Print Order Status

Order Status Submit DTD

You can get three kinds of order status:

The Order Status DTD:

<!ELEMENT XML_OrderStatus_Submit (
    Header ,
    Detail ,
    Summary ) >
    <!ELEMENT   Header (
        TransSetIDCode ,
        TransControlID ,
        ResponseVersion? ) >
        <!ELEMENT UserName              (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT Password              (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT TransSetIDCode        (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT TransControlID        (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion       (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT   Detail (
        PurposeCode ,
        EDIInd ,
        NonEDIInd ,
        LineStatusInd? ,
        RefInfo+ ) >
        <!ELEMENT PurposeCode           (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT EDIInd                (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT NonEDIInd             (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT LineStatusInd         (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT   RefInfo (
            RefID )+ >
            <!ELEMENT RefID             (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefIDQual         (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT Summary ( NbrOfSegments ) >
        <!ELEMENT NbrOfSegments         (#PCDATA) >

Order Status Submit (Order Detail, PurposeCode = ’01’)

Following is an example of a formatted Order Status (PurposeCode = '01') submit message:


Order Status Submit (Invoice Detail, PurposeCode=’02’)

Following is an example of a formatted Order/Invoice Detail (PurposeCode = '02') submit message using a sales order number:



This is an example of a formatted Order/Invoice Detail (PurposeCode = '02') submit message using an invoice number:


Order Status Submit (Shipment Detail, PurposeCode=’03’)

Below is an example of a formatted Ship Detail (PurposeCode = '03') submit message.  Note that both a Tech Data assigned Sales Order number (RefIDQual = 'ON') and a Tech Data assigned Invoice number (RefIDQual = 'IN') related to the sales order must be included in the Ship Detail request message.


Order Status Submit Data Fields

The following table provides a detail description of each element defined in the XML_OrderStatus_Submit.dtd.

Element Name
Max Len
Header R      
UserName R Logon ID assigned by Tech Data A/N  
Password R Password assigned by Tech Data A/N  
TransSetIDCode R Value must be ‘869’ A/N  
TransControlID R Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer A/N 100
ResponseVersion O Response Version to be returned.
  • If omitted, the oldest Response Version is returned
  • Use the highest available version -- 1.7
A/N 20
Detail R      
PurposeCode R The type of order status being requested. 
Value Meaning
01 PO Status List
02 Order/Invoice Detail
03 Shipment/Invoice Detail
N 2
EDIInd R Obsolete, disregard this value A 1
NonEDIInd R Obsolete, disregard this value A 1
LineStatusInd O Obsolete, disregard this value A 1
RefInfo R See Note    
RefIDQual R Type of identifier that will be contained in the following <RefID> element. 
Value Meaning
ON Tech Data assigned sales order number
PO Customer assigned purchase Order number ( PurposeCode 01 only )
IN Tech Data assigned invoice number ( PurposeCode 02 or 03 only )
A 2
  • Sales order number
  • Invoice number
  • Purchase order number
A/N ON-10
Summary R      
NbrOfSegments R Obsolete, disregard this value N 9
For PurposeCode 01, multiple occurrences of <RefInfo> are permissible.  The <RefIDQual> and <RefID> elements defined under <RefInfo> will contain the requested customer's purchase order number or Tech Data Assigned sales order number.  For example, Order Status data for three different customer purchase orders could be requested within one Order Status request.  

For PurposeCode 02, multiple occurrences of<RefInfo> are permissible. The <RefIDQual> and <RefID> elements defined under <RefInfo> will contain the requested Tech Data assigned sales order or invoice number. For example, Order Status data for two different Tech Data assigned sales order numbers and three different Tech Data assigned invoice numbers could be requested within one Order Status request.  Note that it is sufficient to provide either a sales order number OR or an invoice number; you don't need both.

 For PurposeCode 03, two occurrences of <RefInfo> are required.  One occurrence will contain the requested Tech Data assigned sales order number and the other occurrence will contain a Tech Data assigned invoice number.  The invoice number must be associated with the sales order.  Only one 'ON' (sales order) and 'IN' (invoice number) combination is allowed within an Order Status request.  If Order Status data is required for more than one sales order, multiple Order Status requests will need to be submitted.

Order Status Response DTD

The following DTD for the Order Status and Order/Invoice Detail response messages.  The Shipment Detail DTD can be found in the following section.

<!ELEMENT XML_OrderStatus_Response (
    Header ,
    Detail* ,
    Summary ) >
    <!ELEMENT Header (
        TransSetIDCode ,
        TransControlID? ,
        ResponseVersion? ) >
        <!ELEMENT TransSetIDCode    (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT TransControlID    (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion   (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT Detail (
            PurposeCode? ,
            RefInfo+ ,
            ErrorInfo? ,
            OrderStatus? ,
            CurrencyType? ,
            ShipmentDispQual? ,
            ShipmentDisp? ,
            PackageDispQual?  ,
            PackageDisp? ,
            BillToAcctNbr? ,
            ShipToName? ,
            ShipToAddr1? ,
            ShipToAddr2? ,
            ShipToAddr3? ,
            ShipToCity? ,
            ShipToStateProv?  ,
            ShipToPostalCode? ,
            InvoiceTotal? ,
            PaymentTotal? ,
            HandlingCharge? ,
            CODCharge? ,
            NetFreightCharge? ,
            StateFee? ,
            OrderDate? ,
            InvoiceDate? ,
            EstimatedShipDate? ,
            LineInfo* ,
            NbrOfOrderLines? ) >
            <!ELEMENT PurposeCode        (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT RefInfo (
                RefID  )>
                <!ELEMENT RefIDQual      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT RefID          (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ErrorInfo (
                ErrorIDQual ,
                ErrorID ,
                ErrorDesc ) >
                <!ELEMENT ErrorIDQual   (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ErrorID       (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ErrorDesc     (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT OrderStatus       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT Terms             (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT CurrencyType      (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipmentDispQual  (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipmentDisp      (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT PackageDispQual   (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT PackageDisp       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT BillToAcctNbr     (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToName        (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr1       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr2       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr3       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToCity        (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToStateProv   (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ShipToPostalCode  (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ContactFuncCode   (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ContactName       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT InvoiceTotal      (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT PaymentTotal      (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT HandlingCharge    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT CODCharge         (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT NetFreightCharge  (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT StateFee          (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT OrderEntryDate    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT InvoiceDate       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT EstimatedShipDate (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT LineInfo (
                AssignedID ,
                ProductIDQual ,
                ProductIDQual2 ,
                ProductDesc ,
                UnitPrice ,
                ExtendedPrice ,
                ShipViaDesc ,
                QtyOrdered ,
                QtyShipped ,
                QtyReturned ,
                DateShipped? ,
                LineErrorInfo? ) >
                <!ELEMENT AssignedID     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ProductIDQual  (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ProductID      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ProductIDQual2 (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ProductID2     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ProductDesc    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT LineStatus     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT UnitPrice      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ExtendedPrice  (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT WhseDesc       (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipViaDesc    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT QtyOrdered     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT QtyShipped     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT QtyBackordered (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT QtyReturned    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT DateShipped    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ItemEstimatedShipDate (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT   LineErrorInfo (
                    LineErrorID ,
                    LineErrorIDQual ,
                    LineErrorDesc ) >
                    <!ELEMENT LineErrorID      (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT LineErrorIDQual  (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT LineErrorDesc    (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT NbrOfOrderLines  (#PCDATA) >
    <!ELEMENT Summary (  NbrOfSegments ) >
        <!ELEMENT NbrOfSegments                (#PCDATA) >

Example of a response to an Order Status request (PurposeCode = '01').

      <RefID>3.1.34 UAT Charlie</RefID>
    <ContactName>Ryan McKenzie</ContactName>
     <WhseDesc>SWEDESBORO, NJ </WhseDesc>
     <ShipViaDesc>FEDX GRND</ShipViaDesc>

Example of an Invoice Detail response to an Order Status request (PurposeCode = '02').

        <Terms>NET90 DAYS</Terms>
        <ShipToAddr1>2145 FREEZER ST</ShipToAddr1>
        <ContactName>ICED ATHLON</ContactName>
            <ProductDesc>GSX-230 24-PIN PRINTER</ProductDesc>
            <WhseDesc>SUWANEE, GA</WhseDesc>
            <ShipViaDesc>UPS GROUND</ShipViaDesc>

Order Status Response Data Fields

Element Name
Max Len
TransSetIDCode R Value must be 870 N  
TransControlID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer A/N 100
ResponseVersion O
ResponseVersion 1.3 or higher
A/N 20
PurposeCode O The type of order status
Value Meaning
01 Purchase order status
02 Order/invoice detail
RefInfo R Minimum of 1 per Order Status response message, but multiple could occur    
RefIDQual R The type of identifier in the proceeding <RefID> element. 
Value Meaning
EU Customer assigned end user purchase order number
IN Tech Data assigned invoice number
ON Tech Data assigned sales order number
PO Customer assigned purchase order number
A 2
  • End user purchase order number
  • Invoice number
  • Sales order number
  • Purchase order number
  • A/N EU-35
    ErrorInfo O      
    ErrorIDQual O Value must be ‘1Q’ A/N 2
    ErrorID O Value must be ‘0’ N 1
    ErrorDesc O Error description A/N 250
    OrderStatus O (Purpose Code 01 only) 
    Status Meaning
    OPEN The order has been entered into Tech Data's system.  The order has not yet been released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    SALES REVIEW The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires sales department's attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    CREDIT REVIEW The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires credit department's attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    RELEASED The order has been released to a logistics center and has begun the fulfillment process
    SHIPPED The order has been shipped and a bill generated
    CANCELED The order has been canceled
    Terms O Payment conditions under which the order was accepted A/N 30
    CurrencyType O Only ‘USD’ (U.S. Dollars) is used at this time A  
    ShipmentDispQual O Always ‘SC’ (Ship Complete) A  
    ShipmentDisp O
    Value Meaning
    Y If all items for the order are not available for shipment, the order is not shipped until the order can be filled completely
    N Products will be shipped as the become available
    PackageDispQual O Value must be ‘BS’ (Blind Ship)    
    PackageDisp O Whether the order will be shipped without Tech Data’s name and logo on the shipping documents .
    Value Meaning
    Y Blind shipping – Tech Data’s name and logo are not contained on the shipping documents
    N Normal Tech Data packaging
    BillToAcctNbr O Shipping account number of the customer on whose behalf the order was placed  Only FedEx account numbers are available at this time N 9
    ShipToName O The name of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 25
    ShipToAddr1 O The first street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
    ShipToAddr2 O The second street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
    ShipToAddr3 O The third street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
    ShipToCity O City destination name A/N 12
    ShipToStateProv O U.S. state or Canadian province destination abbreviation A/N 2
    ShipToPostalCode O U.S. zip code or Canadian postal code of destination receiving order A/N 9
    ContactName O Contact person’s name assigned to order A/N 25
    InvoiceTotal O Total dollar amount of invoice.  A single order can generate multiple invoices when multiple warehouses are used to fill an order and/or when a previously backordered line is shipped.
    • ResponseVersion 1.7 or higher
    N 15(2)
    HandlingCharge O Total dollar amount of handling charges.
    • ResponseVersion 1.7 or higher
    N 15(2)
    NetFreightCharge O The cost associated with shipping the container based on the carrier, weight, destination, insurance, and freight discount (if any). N 15(2)
    StateFee O The amount of state fees charged to the order
    • ResponseVersion 1.6 or higher
    N/A N/A
    OrderDate O (PurposeCode 01) Date the order was entered. (format mm/dd/yy)
    • ResponseVersion 1.8 or higher
    N 8
    InvoiceDate O (PurposeCode 02) Date the order was invoiced. (format mm/dd/yy)
    • ResponseVersion 1.8 or higher
    N 8
    EstimatedShipDate O Estimated date (format mm/dd/yy) that a backordered item will be shipped to the customer. The tag will be empty if Tech Data does not have an open PO with the Vendor.
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    N 8
    AssignedID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer in the OrigCustPOLineNbr tag in the corresponding line item of the order. If no OrigCustPOLineNbr was specified, the Tech Data line number is returned.
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    A/N 100
    ProductIDQual O Value must be ‘VP’ A  
    ProductID O Tech Data item number A/N 20
    ProductIDQual2 O Value must be ‘MG’
    • ResponseVersion 1.6 or higher
    ProductID2 O Manufacturer’s item number
    • ResponseVersion 1.6 or higher
    A/N 20
    ProductDesc O Description of item A/N 50
    LineStatus O Status of the line item.  This is different from the Order Status which applies to the whole order.
    Status Meaning
    OPEN The order has been entered into Tech Data's system.  The order has not yet been released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    SALES REVIEW The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires sales department's attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    CREDIT REVIEW The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires credit department's attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    RELEASED The order has been released to a logistics center and has begun the fulfillment process
    SHIPPED The order has been shipped and a bill generated
    CANCELED The order has been canceled
    • ResponseVersion 1.3 or higher
    A/N 20
    ConfigID O Customer’s configuration identification number for the configured item.
    • ResponseVersion 1.9 or higher
    N 6
    ConfigLineStatus O Configuration status
    Status Meaning
    PRE-ASSEMBLY The product(s) has been picked and waiting to be placed on bench.
    ASSEMBLY The line is being assembled
    COMPLETED The line has been built and sent to the packing station
    SHIPPED The line has been shipped
    CANCELED The line has been canceled
    • ResponseVersion 1.9 or higher
    UnitPrice O Customer’s price for one unit of item ordered N 15(2)
    ExtendedPrice O Total price of order line (UnitPrice x QtyOrdered) N 15(2)
    WhseDesc O Tech Data Warehouse shipping this order line A/N 30
    ShipViaDesc O Carrier name and mode, i.e. ‘UPS GROUND’ or FEDEX NEXT DAY’ A/N 25
    QtyOrdered O The number of units ordered N 4
    QtyShipped O The number of units of the item that was shipped N 4
    QtyBackordered O The number of units that were not available for shipment at the time the order was filled.  This quantity is backordered to Tech Data’s vendor. N 4
    QtyReturned O The number of units previously shipped that were subsequently sent back to Tech Data through an authorized return. N 4
    DateShipped O Date on which shipment was initiated. (format mm/dd/yy) N 8
    ItemEstimatedShipDate O (Purpose Code 01 or 02) Estimated date that a back ordered item will be shipped. The tag will be empty if Tech Data does not have an open PO with the Vendor.
    Canadian customers only: For vendor drop ship (warehouse 99) orders, contains the date that the order is estimated to be shipped to the customer. (format mm/dd/yy)
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    N 8
    NbrOfOrderLines O Total number of detail lines items being reported in the response for the specified Sales Order or Invoice number. N 3
    NbrOfSegments R Obsolete, disregard this value N 9

    Shipment Detail Response DTD

    The Ship Detail response DTD.  The Order Status and Order/Invoice Detail response DTD is defined in the previous section.

    <!ELEMENT XML_ShipmentStatus_Response (
        Header ,
        Detail ,
        Summary ) >
        <!ELEMENT Header (
            UserName? ,
            Password? ,
            TransSetIDCode ,
            TransControlID? ,
            ResponseVersion? ) >
            <!ELEMENT UserName          (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT Password          (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT TransSetIDCode    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT TransControlID    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion   (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT Detail (
                PurposeCode ,
                RefInfo* ,
                ErrorInfo? ,
                ContainerInfo* ,
                NbrOfContainers ) >
                <!ELEMENT PurposeCode       (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT RefInfo (
                    RefIDQual) >
                    <!ELEMENT RefID         (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT RefIDQual     (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT ErrorInfo (
                        ErrorDesc ) >
                        <!ELEMENT ErrorIDQual   (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ErrorID       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ErrorDesc     (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT ContainerInfo (
                        StateFee? ,
                        ItemInfo+ ,
                        NbrOfItems) >
                        <!ELEMENT ContainerID       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToName        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr1       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr2       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr3       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToCity        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToStateProv   (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipToPostalCode  (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT DateShipped       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT DateInvoiced      (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT Weight            (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT WhseDesc          (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ShipVia           (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ContainerValue    (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT HandlingCharge    (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT CODCharge         (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT DebitCredit       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT NetFreightCharge  (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT TaxCharge         (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT StateFee          (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT TotalOrderValue   (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ItemInfo (
                            SerialInfo*) >
                            <!ELEMENT IIAssignedID      (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT AssignedID        (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT ProductID         (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT ProductIDQual     (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT ProductID2        (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT ProductIDQual2    (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT ProductDesc       (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT QtyShipped        (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT SerialInd         (#PCDATA) >
                            <!ELEMENT SerialInfo (SerialNbr) >
                                <!ELEMENT SerialNbr     (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT NbrOfItems                (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT Summary (
             NbrOfSegments ) >
            <!ELEMENT NbrOfContainers                   (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT NbrOfSegments                     (#PCDATA) >

    Example of a response to a Ship Detail request (PurposeCode = '03').

                <ShipToAddr1>2145 CALUMET ST N'TH</ShipToAddr1>
                <WhseDesc>FT WORTH, TX</WhseDesc>
                <ShipVia>UPS GROUND</ShipVia>
                    <ProductDesc>SMART 16/4 AT PLUS</ProductDesc>

    Shipment Status Response Data Fields

    The following table provides a detail description of each element defined in the XML_ShipmentStatus_Response.dtd
    Element Name
    Max Len
    UserName O Obsolete, this element will never be in the response document    
    Password O Obsolete, this element will never be in the response document    
    TransSetIDCode R Value must be ‘856’ N 3
    TransControlID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer for each Availability request message submitted. The content of the element sent by the customer within the XML message is returned as is to the customer within the Response message. The primary function of these types of elements is for tracking purposes. A/N 100
    ResponseVersion O Designates the Response DTD version
    • ResponseVersion of 1.3 or higher
    A/N 20
    PurposeCode R A code which indicating the type of response requested.  The code values that can be returned in an OrderStatus (870) format is: 03 = Ship Detail    
    RefInfo O Three occurrences per Ship Detail response.    
    RefIDQual R
    Value Meaning
    PO RefID's value will contain the Purchase Order number
    ON RefID's value will contain the Tech Data Order number
    IN RefID's value will contain the Tech Data Invoice number
    A/N 2
    RefID R Tech Data assigned Sales Order or Invoice number or customer’s Purchase Order number. A/N ON-10
    ErrorInfo O      
    ErrorIDQual O Value must be ‘1Q’ A/N 2
    ErrorID O Value must be ‘0’ N 1
    ErrorDesc O Error description A/N 250
    ContainerInfo O      
    ContainerID R The carrier’s container (tracking) number A/N 18
    ShipToName R The name of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 25
    ShipToAddr1 R The first street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
    ShipToAddr2 O The second street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
    ShipToAddr3 O The third street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
    ShipToCity R City destination name A/N 12
    ShipToStateProv R U.S. state or Canadian province destination abbreviation A/N 2
    ShipToPostalCode R U.S. zip code or Canadian postal code of destination receiving order A/N 9
    DateShipped R Date order line was shipped. (format mm/dd/yy) N 8
    DateInvoiced R Date order line was invoiced. (format mm/dd/yy) N 8
    Weight R Weight of order line N 8
    WhseDesc R Location name of logistics center shipping this order item A/N 30
    ShipVia R Carrier name and mode, i.e. ‘UPS GROUND’ or FEDEX NEXT DAY’    
    ContainerValue R Always set to 0.00. N 9(2)
    HandlingCharge R Additional fee assessed to order line for special handling. Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00. N 15(2)
    CODCharge R Always set to 0.00. N 15(2)
    DebitCredit R Always set to 0.00. N 15(2)
    NetFreightCharge R The cost associated with shipping the container based on the carrier, weight, destination, insurance, and freight discount (if any). Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00. N 15(2)
    TaxCharge R Always set to 0.00. N 15(2)
    StateFee O The amount of state fees charged to the order. Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00.
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    N 15(2)
    TotalOrderValue R Container value plus any of the following additional charges that may be assessed:
    • Handling charge
    • COD charge
    • Net freight charge
    • Tax charge
    • State fees
    Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00.
    N 15(2)
    ItemInfo O      
    IIAssignedID R Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer to each order line A/N 100
    AssignedID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer to each order line in the <OrigCustPOLineNbr> field of the Order Submit.
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    A/N 100
    ProductIDQual R Value must be ‘VP’ A 2
    ProductID R Tech Data item number A/N 20
    ProductIDQual2 R Value must be ‘MG’
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    A 2
    ProductID2 R Manufacturers item number
    • ResponseVersion 1.5 or higher
    A/N 20
    ProductDesc R Description of item A/N 50
    QtyShipped R The number of units of the ordered item that were shipped N 4
    SerialInd O
    Value Meaning
    Y Item is serialized, serial number will be provided
    N Item is not serialized, no serial number provided
    A 1
    SerialInfo O      
    SerialNbr R Serial number assigned to unit assigned by the item's manufacturer. A/N 20
    NbrOfItems R Total number of order lines in container. 
    Note: A container may include multiple order lines and an order line could span across multiple containers.
    N 4
    NbrOfContainers O Total number of containers used to ship the order line N 4
    NbrOfSegments R Obsolete, disregard this value N 9
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