A Market Leader in the Enterprise Category

Since the launch of the Chrome operating system (OS), Acer has been a strong advocate of the enterprise category and remains so today. The organization's product line is both broad and deep, with an offering that includes purpose-built units for the educational space, and Chrome Enterprise devices that focus on the needs of businesses. But it doesn't stop there. Rather than trying to shoehorn consumer products into a commercial solution, Acer's level of support meets the unique needs of each enterprise client they support.

Their Premier Support offering provides enterprise-class assistance. Commercial clients do not have to wait for a third-party call center to respond to their needs. Rather, they access their technicians via a toll-free number and PIN, who answer in less than 15 seconds and handle each customer call – script-free – with an average first-call resolution time of six minutes or less. Furthermore, clients can access this group via phone, text, email or online portal.

Acer's sales division serves its client base with a professional organization of industry veterans and specialists. Key Account Managers are dedicated to the strategic, commercial space, offering specific products to meet the demands of the corporate user, while Territory Sales Managers zero in on the educational community, offering feature-rich, durable devices that withstand the rigors of the classroom. Finally, their Channel Account Managers focus on the needs of their network of distribution and Direct Market Resellers (DMRs), ensuring end-to-end support across the sale cycle.

A Culture of Collaboration

A true reflection of the company's product line, Acer's culture is collaborative by design. Employing a 100% channel-centric sales approach, Acer does not seek business directly with end users. Instead, all business is transacted by their extensive network of VARs, DMRs and distribution partners. Acer's sales division employs customer-facing personnel to work together with reseller partners. What does this mean for reseller partners who collaborate with Acer? An expectation for excellence.

Acer is committed to assisting partners with product selection, roadmap development and more. Sales professionals will also offer to serve as the customer advocate within Acer, ensuring a conduit to accurate, up-to-date information, as well as future-focused guidance.

Are you ready to help your customers ace work and remote learning? Reach out to acer@techdata.com and hear how Acer can serve as a trusted advisor to your business!

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