Device Enrollment Program (DEP)

Tech Data has integrated with Apple to help provide a solution to automatically enroll eligible devices in DEP at the time of purchase. This ensures devices are enrolled before they arrive at their destination. Through our custom portal you only need to provide three pieces of information and Tech Data will take care of the rest.

We're pleased to launch our automated reseller email notifications for DEP enrollments. Simply provide an email address along with your DEP information when you place your order to receive notifications on initiation, success/rejection, and un-enrollment status.

For more information on DEP, please read our Quick Reference Guide , Device Enrollment Service Fees, and the Device Enrollment Submission Template or contact our team at

Device Enrollment Program Reference Guide

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Contact your apple team

Apple Team
1-800-237-8931 ext. 5540346
Jamf Team
1-800-237-8931 ext. 5540351
Parallels Team
Other World Computing (OWC)