Print InvoiceDetailByPO

InvoiceDetailByPO Submit DTD

To obtain Invoice details from submitting a list of PO numbers, submit an InvoiceDetailByPO submit document via an HTTPS post. The following DTD defines the InvoiceDetailByPO  Submit message:

    <!ELEMENT XML_InvoiceDetailByPO_Submit ( 
        Detail ) >

        <!ELEMENT Header(
            ResponseVersion? ) >

            <!ELEMENT UserName                (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT Password                (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion         (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT Detail (
            POInfo  ) >

            <!ELEMENT EDIInclusion?           (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT POInfo (
                PONbr+ ) >

                <!ELEMENT PONbr               (#PCDATA) >

Following is an example of a InvoiceDetailByPO submit message with the element contents shown in bold:


InvoiceDetailByPO Submit Data Fields

The following table provides a detail description of each element defined in the XML_InvoiceDetailByPO_Submit.dtd.

Element Name
Max Len
Header R      
UserName R EC logon ID assigned by Tech Data A/N Note 1
Password R Password assigned by Tech Data A/N Note 1
ResponseVersion O Designates the Response DTD version that will be returned.
  • If omitted, the oldest supported Response DTD version is returned
  • In order to receive the latest functionality, you should specify the “highest” available (newest) Response DTD version number
  • Using older version numbers will generate legacy Response messages with reduced data content and functionality
A/N 20
Detail R      
EDIInclusion O Obsolete, disregard this value  A 1
POInfo R Must contain at least one <PONbr> child node     
PONbr R Your PO number which you want Invoice data on A/N 35
The actual maximum length is not documented.  Include on each XML message submitted the UserName and Password values assigned by your Master/Admin user.

InvoiceDetailByPO Response DTD

The following DTD defines the InvoiceDetailByPO Response message:
<!ELEMENT XML_InvoiceDetailByPO_Response (

    Header ,
    Detail ) >

    <!ELEMENT Header (
        ResponseVersion? ) >
        <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion         (#PCDATA) >

    <!ELEMENT Detail (  
        OrderInfo* ) >

        <!ELEMENT OrderInfo (
            ContainerInfo* ) >

            <!ELEMENT PONbr              (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT EndUserPONbr       (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT OrderNbr           (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT OrderDate          (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT EstShipDate        (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT OrderStatus        (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT InvoiceNbr         (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT ErrorMsg           (#PCDATA) >

            <!ELEMENT ContainerInfo (
                ItemInfo+ ) >

                <!ELEMENT ContainerID              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT TrackingLink             (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToName               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr1              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr2              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr3              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToCity               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToStateProv          (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipToPostalCode         (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT DateShipped              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT DateInvoiced             (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT Weight                   (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT WhseCode                 (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT WhseDesc                 (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ShipViaDesc              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ContainerValue           (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT HandlingCharge           (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT CODCharge                (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT DebitCredit              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT NetFreightCharge         (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT TaxCharge                (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT StateFee                 (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT TotalOrderValue          (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT NbrOfItems               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ItemInfo(
                    SerialNbrInfo? ) >

                    <!ELEMENT OrderLineNbr        (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT TechDataItemNbr     (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT MfgItemNbr          (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT ItemDesc            (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT QtyShipped          (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT SerialNbrInd        (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT SerialNbrInfo (
                        SerialNbr+ ) >

                        <!ELEMENT SerialNbr       (#PCDATA) >

A sample XML InvoiceDetailsByPO Response message will look like the following.

            <PONbr> TEST 1QZ </PONbr>  
                <ShipToName>ELECTRONIC COMMERCE</ShipToName>    
                <ShipToAddr1>5350 TECH DATA DRIVE</ShipToAddr1>   
                <WhseDesc>CONFIG WH - SB</WhseDesc>     
                <ShipViaDesc>UPS GROUND</ShipViaDesc>    
                    <ItemDesc>IBM PC/AT TO HAYES MODEM</ItemDesc>  

InvoiceDetailByPO Response Data Fields

The following table provides a detailed description of each element defined in the XML_InvoiceDetailByPO_Response.dtd

Element Name
Max Len
Header R      
ResponseVersion O Designates the Response DTD version A/N 20
Detail R      
OrderInfo R One OrderInfo node will be returned for each Invoice found    
PONbr O Your PO number A/N 35
EndUserPONbr O The End User PO number A/N 35
OrderNbr O Tech Data sales order number A/N 10
OrderDate O The date the order was placed A/N 15
EstShipDate O This element will contain the date (format mm/dd/yy) that a back ordered item is estimated to be shipped to the customer. The tag will be empty if Tech Data does not have an open PO with the Vendor. N 8
OrderStatus O Indicates the current position of the line item within the order life cycle at the time the request message was processed. 
Status Meaning
OPEN The order has been entered into Tech Data's system.  The order has not yet been released to a distribution center for fulfillment
BLOCKED The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
RELEASED The order has been released to a logistics center and has begun the fulfillment process
SHIPPED The order has been shipped and a bill generated
CANCELED The order has been canceled
A 50
InvoiceNbr O Tech Data’s assigned Invoice number A/N 10
ErrorMsg O An informative error message A/N 200
ContainerInfo O One ContainerInfo node will be returned for each container included in the invoice    
ContainerID O The carrier’s container (tracking) number.
NOTE: In Cases where Multiple ContainerIDs exist for an invoice number containing certain parts, comma separated ContainerID will be sent back.
A/N 18
TrackingLink O The carrier’s tracking link for the corresponding container.
NOTE: In Cases where Multiple TrackingLinks exist for a container(s), comma separated TrackingLink will be sent back.
A/N 100
ShipToName O The name of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 25
ShipToAddr1 O The first street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
ShipToAddr2 O The second street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
ShipToAddr3 O The third street address line of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 35
ShipToCity O Destination city name A/N 12
ShipToStateProv O U.S. state or Canadian province destination abbreviation A/N 2
ShipToPostalCode O U.S. zip code or Canadian postal code of destination receiving order A/N 9
DateShipped O Date order line was shipped (format mm/dd/yy) N 8
DateInvoiced O Date order line was invoiced (format mm/dd/yy) N 8
Weight O Weight of order line N 8
WhseCode O Location code of logistics center shipping this order item A/N 4
WhseDesc O Location name of logistics center shipping this order item A/N 30
ShipViaDesc O Carrier name and mode, i.e. ‘UPS GROUND’ or FEDEX NEXT DAY’ AN 25
ContainerValue O Always set to 0.00. N 9(2)
HandlingCharge O Additional fee assessed to order line for special handling. Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00. N 15(2)
CODCharge O Always set to 0.00. N 15(2)
DebitCredit O Always set to 0.00. N 15(2)
NetFreightCharge O The freight charge associated with shipping the container based on the carrier, weight, destination, insurance, and freight discount (if any). Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00. N 15(2)
TaxCharge O Always set to 0.00. N 15(2)
StateFee O The amount of state fees charged to the order. Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00. N 15(2)
TotalContainerValue O Container value plus any of the following additional charges that may be assessed:
  • Handling charge
  • COD charge
  • Net freight charge
  • Tax charge
  • State fees
Value set in first Container (applies to entire Invoice). Subsequent Containers set to 0.00.
N 15(2)
NbrOfItems O The number of units of the ordered item that were shipped N 4
ItemInfo O One ItemInfo node will be returned for each item shipped in the container    
OrderLineNbr O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer to each order line. At order time the line number is specified in the <OrigCustPOLineNbr> field. A/N 100
TechDataItemNbr O Tech Data item number A/N 20
MfgItemNbr O Manufacturers item number A/N 20
ItemDesc O Description of item A/N 50
QtyShipped O The number of units of the ordered item that were shipped N 4
SerialNbrInd O A Y/N (yes/no) value which indicates if the item is serialized or not
Value Meaning
Y Item is serialized, serial number will be provided
N Item is not serialized, no serial number provided
A 1
SerialNbrInfo O If the item is serial numbered, one SerialNbrInfo node will be returned    
SerialNbr O One SerialNbr node will be returned for each item in of this type in the container. This element will contain the item’s serial number.    
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