
Order Submit DTD

    <!ELEMENT XML_Order_Submit (
                  Header ,
                  Detail ,
                  Summary? ) >
        <!ELEMENT Header (
            UserName ,
            Password ,
            TransControlID? ,
            ResponseVersion? ,
            PurposeCode? ,
            OrderTypeCode ,
            PONbr ,
            RefNbrs* ,
            SalesRequirementCode ,
            ActionCode? ,
            Amt? ,
            Date? ,
            Name ,
            AddrInfo ,
            CityName ,
            StateProvinceCode ,
            PostalCode ,
            ContactName ,
            ContactPhoneNbr? ,
            OrderLevel? ,
            ConfigInd? ,
            OrderMessageHdrType? ,
            OrderMessageHdr* ,
            EndUserCustomerNbr? ,
            EndUserGroupCode? ,
            EndUserInfo? ,
            MyOrderTracker? ) >
                <!ELEMENT UserName                      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT Password                      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT TransControlID                (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT PurposeCode                   (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT OrderTypeCode                 (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT PONbr                         (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT RefNbrs ( RefIDQual , RefID ) >
                    <!ELEMENT RefIDQual                 (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT RefID                     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT SalesRequirementCode          (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT RequestOrderConfirmation      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ThirdPartyFreightAutoApply    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ActionCode                    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT Amt                           (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT Date                          (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT Name                          (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT AddrInfo ( Addr+ ) >
                    <!ELEMENT Addr                      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT CityName                      (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT StateProvinceCode             (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT PostalCode                    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ContactName                   (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ContactPhoneNbr               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT OrderLevel                    (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT ConfigInd                     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT OrderMessageHdrType           (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT OrderMessageHdr               (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT EndUserCustomerNbr            (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT EndUserGroupCode              (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT   EndUserInfo (
                    EuiGovAgency ,
                    EuiGovCabinetLevel ,
                    EuiContractNbr ,
                    EuiContractType ,
                    EuiOrderPriority ,
                    EuiMarketType ,
                    EuiContactName ,
                    EuiPhoneNbr ,
                    EuiFaxNbr ,
                    EuiName ,
                    EuiAddr1 ,
                    EuiAddr2 ,
                    EuiAddr3 ,
                    EuiCityName ,
                    EuiStateProvinceCode ,
                    EuiPostalCode ,
                    EuiCountryCode ,
                    EuiSicCode ,
                    EuiOrderPromoType ,
                    EuiEndUserLicenseNbr ,
                    EuiEndUserPODate ,
                    EuiEndUserRef1 ,
                    EuiEndUserRef2 ,
                    EuiEndUserRef3 ,
                    EuiInstallName ,
                    EuiDropShipType ,
                    EuiContactEmailAddr1 ,
                    EuiContactEmailAddr2  ) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiGovAgency          (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiGovCabinetLevel    (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiContractNbr        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiContractType       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiOrderPriority      (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiMarketType         (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiContactName        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiPhoneNbr           (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiFaxNbr             (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiName               (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiAddr1              (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiAddr2              (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiAddr3              (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiCityName           (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiStateProvinceCode  (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiPostalCode         (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiCountryCode        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiSicCode            (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiOrderPromoType     (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiEndUserLicenseNbr  (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiEndUserPODate      (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiEndUserRef1        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiEndUserRef2        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiEndUserRef3        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiInstallName        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiDropShipType       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiContactEmailAddr1  (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EuiContactEmailAddr2  (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT CreditCardInfo (
                    CCNbr ,
                    CCExpiryDate? ,
                    CCHolderName? ,  
                    CCTypeCode? ,
                    CCVerifyNumber? ,
                    CCHolderCompany? ,    
                    CCBillToAddr1? ,
                    CCBillToAddr2? ,
                    CCBillToAddr3? ,
                    CCBillToCity? ,
                    CCBillToStateProvinceCode? ,
                    CCBillToPostalCode? ,
                    CCContactPhoneNbr? ,
                    CCContactPhoneExt? ,
                    CCPCardPOSCode? ,      
                    CCUseSoldToAddrInd? ,
                    CCSaveCCInfo? ) >
                        <!ELEMENT       CCNbr                       (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT   MyOrderTracker (
                    ResellerEmail ,
                    EndUserEmail ,
                    ResellerEvents+ ,
                    EndUserEvents+ ) >
                        <!ELEMENT ResellerEmail                    (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EndUserEmail                     (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ResellerEvents                   (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT EndUserEvents                    (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT Detail ( LineInfo+ ) >
                <!ELEMENT   LineInfo (
                    AssignedID? ,
                    OrigCustPOLineNbr? ,
                    QtyOrdered ,
                    UnitPrice? ,
                    IgnoreBestPrice? ,
                    ProductIDQual ,
                    ProductID ,
                    AgreementNumberQual? ,
                    AgreementNumber? ,
                    WhseCode? ,
                    PromoAcceptInd? ,
                    ThirdPartyFreightAcct? ) >
                        <!ELEMENT AssignedID                (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT OrigCustPOLineNbr         (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT QtyOrdered                (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT UnitPrice                 (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT IgnoreBestPrice           (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ProductIDQual             (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ProductID                 (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT AgreementNumberQual       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT AgreementNumber           (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT WhseCode                  (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT IDCode                    (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ConfigHandlingCode        (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT PromoAcceptInd            (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT OrderMessageLine          (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT AggregationCode           (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT ThirdPartyFreightAcct     (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT SerialNbrInfo      ( HardwarePurchaseDate?, SerialNbr+ ) >
                             <!ELEMENT HardwarePurchaseDate      (#PCDATA) >
                             <!ELEMENT SerialNbr      (#PCDATA) >
            <!ELEMENT   Summary (
                NbrOfSegments ,
                AmtQualCode ,
                MonetaryAmt ) >
                <!ELEMENT NbrOfSegments                     (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT AmtQualCode                       (#PCDATA) >
                <!ELEMENT MonetaryAmt                       (#PCDATA) >

Example of an Order with only the minimum elements:

            <Addr> 5350 TECH DATA DR </Addr>
        <ContactName>John Q. Public</ContactName>
            <AgreementNumber>3S5S PROMO</AgreementNumber>

Another example of an Order:

              <PONbr> MY PO NUMBER </PONbr>
                  <RefID>EU CFG-1.FEB21</RefID>
              <Name> ELECTRONIC COMMERCE </Name>
                  <Addr>5350 TECH DATA DRIVE</Addr>
              <ContactName> TECH DATA CORPORATION </ContactName>
              <OrderMessageHdr> HEADER MESSAGE TEXT HERE </OrderMessageHdr>
                  <EuiContactName>MR. PRESIDENT</EuiContactName>
                  <EuiName>JOHN MAC</EuiName>
                  <EuiAddr1>5350 TECH DATA DR.</EuiAddr1>
                  <EuiAddr2>BUILDING B</EuiAddr2>
                  <EuiAddr3>IT DEPARTMENT</EuiAddr3>
                  <EuiContactEmailAddr2> </EuiContactEmailAddr2>
                  <AgreementNumber>3S5S PROMO</AgreementNumber>
                  <OrderMessageLine>LINE MESSAGE TEXT HERE</OrderMessageLine>
                  <OrderMessageLine>LINE MESSAGE TEXT HERE</OrderMessageLine>

Order Submit Data Fields

Element Name
Max Len
Header R      
UserName R EC logon ID assigned by Tech Data A/N  
Password R Password assigned by Tech Data A/N  
TransControlID O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer A/N 100
ResponseVersion O Response Version to be returned.
  • If omitted, the oldest Response Version is returned
  • Use the highest available version -- 1.6
  • A/N 20
    PurposeCode O Obsolete, disregard this value    
    OrderTypeCode R
    (blank) The shipping documents will be printed with Tech Data's name and logo provided the item is shipped from a Tech Data logistics center.  If an item is ordered from Warehouse 99, it is drop shipped from Tech Data's vendor (supplier)
    BS Blind Ship (aka Private Label Delivery). Shipping documents will contain the reseller's name and logo instead of Tech Data's.  Before using this option, the reseller must provide Tech Data with its name and logo to print on the shipping documents.
    DS Drop Ship
    A/N 2
    PONbr R Customer assigned purchase order number. Must be unique for each order. Note: To assign the same identifier to multiple orders, use End User PO number in RefNbrs below. A/N 35
    RefNbrs O Up to three occurrences are allowed    
    RefIDQual R The kind of number in the proceeding <RefID> element. 
    Code Meaning
    AY Floor plan number
    EU End user PO number  (required when End User Information is required)
    TH 3rd Party Freight account number
    A/N 2
    RefID R One of:
  • Floor plan (floorplanner) account
  • End User PO number (required when End User Information is required)
  • Third Party Freight account number
  • A/N AY-10
    SalesRequirementCode R How to handle orders with out of stock items
    Code Meaning
    BK Ship available items, back order remainder (this is the default)
    SC Ship Complete. Do not ship order until all items are available.
    A/N 2
    RequestOrderConfirmation O Specify Y to get order details in the response. Click here for more details on order confirmation. A 1
    ThirdPartyFreightAutoApply O Obsolete, disregard this value A 1
    ActionCode O
    Value Meaning
    Y Do not place order if order total exceeds the value contained in the <Amt> element
    N Place the order regardless of the amount contained in the <Amt> element
    A 1
    Amt O Maximum cost permitted for the order. The ActionCode (above) must be set to Y otherwise this field is ignored. Orders costing more will be rejected. N 15
    Date O Requested delivery date in YYMMDD format.  Delivery date is set to current date when not present or a past date is received on an incoming order.
    Example: July 15, 2006 is represented as 060715
    N 6
    Name R Name of individual or organization that is receiving order A/N 35


    Addr R Street address to ship order to.  Between 1 and 3 <Addr> elements are required.

    If the Name element above is an organization, you may want to use an Addr element to specify an ATTN TO: individual on the shipping label:
    e.g. <Addr>123 Somewhere Ave. E.</Addr>
           <Addr>Suite A</Addr>
           <Addr>ATTN: Mr. J. Doe (Receiving)</Addr>
    A/N 35
    CityName R Ship-To City A/N 35
    StateProvinceCode R Ship-To U.S. state or Canadian province abbreviation A/N 2
    PostalCode R Ship-To postal code A/N 9
    ContactName R Contact person’s name. Note that this element will NOT appear on the shipping label A/N 25
    ContactPhoneNbr O Obsolete, disregard this value A/N 12
    OrderLevel O Level of government or education of the end user organization. Required for special Government or Education pricing.

    Order Level codes for U.S. Customers

    Value Meaning
    EF Education (Student & Staff)
    EH Education (Higher)
    EL Education (K-12)
    ER Education (Erate)
    FE Federal
    FG Federal GSA
    ST State
    MD Medical

    Order Level codes for Canadian Customers

    Value Meaning
    EF Education (Student & Staff)
    EH Education (Higher)
    EL Education (K-12)
    FE Federal
    LO Local
    PR Provincial
    A 2
    ConfigInd O Whether this is a configuration order
    Value Meaning
    Y Configuration Order
    N Non-Configuration Order
    A/N 1
    OrderMessageHdrType O The type of message in the proceeding <OrderMessageHdr> element. None of these messages will appear on the package label.
    Value Meaning
    Y Configuration Order
    BB Authorization Code
    DEL Delivery
    EM e-Mail
    F Free form
    L1 Special Instructions
    SPH Special Handling
    TRA Transportation
    WHI Warehouse Instructions
    A/N 3
    OrderMessageHdr O Text message assigned to the order at the header level. A/N 132
    EndUserCustomerNbr O Account number assigned to the organization by the customer placing the order.  This is not the account number of the customer in Tech Data’s system. A/N 10
    EndUserGroupCode O An identifier assigned to the organization by the customer placing the order A/N 10
    EndUserInfo O Information about the end user of the product as opposed to the entity ordering the product. Required for some parts -- generally those with a license or warranty component. To ensure that inclusion of this data is properly enforced, use ResponseVersion 1.6 (see above)    
    EuiGovAgency      R The name of the government agency on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 23
    EuiGovCabinetLevel R The name of the government cabinet on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 35
    EuiContractNbr R The contract number assigned by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 35
    EuiContractType R The type of contract assigned by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 35
    EuiOrderPriority R The order priority assigned by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 30
    EuiMarketType     R Type of market represented by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 30
    EuiContactName R The contact person’s name assigned to the order by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 40
    EuiPhoneNbr R The contact person’s telephone number who is assigned to the order by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 30
    EuiFaxNbr R The contact person’s facsimile telephone number who is assigned to the order by the organization on whose behalf the the order was placed A/N 20
    EuiName R The name of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 40
    EuiAddr1 R The first address line of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 40
    EuiAddr2 R The second address line of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 40
    EuiAddr3 R The third address line of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 40
    EuiCityName R The city name of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 40
    EuiStateProvinceCode R U.S. state or Canadian province abbreviation of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 2
    EuiPostalCode R The postal code of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 9
    EuiCountryCode R The country code of the organization on whose behalf the order was placed A/N 2
    EuiEndUserLicenseNbr R If a software license is being ordered by the customer for its end user customer, this element should contain the license number. A/N 35
    EuiEndUserPODate R The PO date assigned by the organization on whose behalf the order was placed. The date specified should follow the YYMMDD format.
    Example: July 15, 2006 is represented as 060715
    N 6
    EuiEndUserRef1 R A free format text field in which the customer can assign information related to the order A/N 35
    EuiEndUserRef2 R A free format text field in which the customer can assign information related to the order A/N 35
    EuiEndUserRef3 R A free format text field in which the customer can assign information related to the order A/N 35
    EuiInstallName R Location where the product will be installed A/N 25
    EuiContactEmailAddr1 R End User Email address.  This is the address that a vendor drop ship may email a license to. The tag must be present but its contents can be blank. A/N 241
    EuiContactEmailAddr2 R Reseller Email Address.  This is the email address that some times get sent to the vendor of the product ordered.  The vendor uses this email for various reasons depending on the vendor. The tag must be present but its contents can be blank. A/N 241
    CreditCardInfo O Information about the credit card which is to be billed for the order    
    CCNbr R Supply value of 9999 to have the order charged to your primary credit card on file.
    Note:  Tech Data no longer accepts credit card numbers in xml orders.
    A/N 16
    MyOrderTracker O Instructions for Tech Data’s MyOrderTracker service. Click here for more details on MyOrderTracker.    
    ResellerEmail R The email address of the reseller that MyOrderTracker will send emails to when the requested event(s) occur A/N 50
    EndUserEmail R The email address of the end user that MyOrderTracker will send email to when the requested event(s) occur A/N 50
    ResellerEvents R Events for which MyOrderTracker will send emails to the reseller
    Code Meaning
    OC Order Confirmation
    OX Order Cancellation
    OS Shipment notification
    SC New Estimated Ship Date
    SR Sales Review
    CR Credit Review
    BC Backorder
    A 2
    EndUserEvents R Events for which MyOrderTracker will send emails the end user
    Code Meaning
    OC Order Confirmation
    OS Shipment notification
    A 2
    Detail R      
    LineInfo R Minimum of 1 per Order    
    AssignedID O Obsolete, disregard this value A/N
    OrigCustPOLineNbr O Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer for the detail line. It appears in the AssignedID2 tag in the order response and the AssignedID tag in an OrderStatus response.

    EDI Customers: This field appears exactly 'as is' in the X12 Invoice (810) transaction, including any leading or trailing zeroes, embedded spaces, or alpha characters.

    N 6
    QtyOrdered R Number of units ordered N 6
    UnitPrice O Customer’s requested price for the ordered item. 
    Omit this field to accept Tech Data's best price.
    If you do submit a price in this field and it is outside the allowable range, the order will be put on hold for the sales team to review.

    Format: DOLLARS.CENTS (e.g: 20438.72 or 1289.45 or 32.44 or 5.29)
    N 15
    IgnoreBestPrice O Used in conjuction with <UnitPrice>. Flag used to ignore best price even when best price is less than <UnitPrice>.
    • ResponseVersion 1.7 or higher
    Value Meaning
    Y Ignore best price if <UnitPrice> exceeds best price.
    N Use best price if <UnitPrice> exceeds best price (default behavior)

    Note: If <IgnoreBestPrice> is set to 'Y' and <UnitPrice> is less than best price, normal rules for <UnitPrice> will be applied.

    A/N 1
    ProductIDQual R Type of item number in the proceeding <ProductID> element. 
    Value Meaning
    VP Tech Data item number
    BP Buyer Part (customer’s) item number. (Contact Tech Data Sales to establish Buyer Part numbers)
    MG Manufacturer’s item number
    UP UPC (Universal Product Code)
    A/N 2
    ProductID R Item number of requested product A/N 18
    AgreementNumberQual O Three character code identifying the Agreement Number type that was contained in the Price and Availability submit document.  It identifies the Agreement Number type that is contained in the proceeding <AgreementNumber> element. If passed empty then the proceeding <AgreementNumber> element will be considered as Promotion Number .
    Value Meaning
    VAN Vendor Agreement Number
    UAN Promotion Number
    {Empty} Promotion Number
    A 3
    AgreementNumber O The Promotion Number or the Vendor Agreement Number if VAN was used as AgreementNumberQual. A/N 20
    WhseCode O Tech Data warehouse.  For Vendor Drop-Ship or License orders, specify '99'. If no warehouse is specified for a Commercial or Configuration order, Tech Data will choose the most appropriate one (excluding Drop Ship) based on Ship-To destination, product availability, and the customer's order fulfillment preferences. For a complete list of Tech Data’s warehouses, see Warehouse Codes later in this chapter. A/N 2
    IDCode R Ship Type code indicating the shipping company and class of service for delivery of this line item.

    Click here for the current U.S. ship type codes.
    Click here for the current Canadian ship type codes.

    Note: When you allow Tech Data to choose the source warehouse, be sure to select a national carrier that is valid for any of our warehouses. For customer pickup, provide LJ as the input value.

    A/N 2
    SerialNbrInfo O
     ResponseVersion 1.7 or higher
    HardwarePurchaseDate O Hardware purchase date in YYMMDD format. 
    • ResponseVersion 1.7 or higher
    N 6
    SerialNbr O Insert the serial number in this element.
    • ResponseVersion 1.7 or higher
    A/N 132
    ConfigHandlingCode O Obsolete, disregard this value A/N 1
    PromoAcceptInd O Obsolete, disregard this value A 1
    OrderMessageLine O Text message for this line item.  A/N 132
    AggregationCode O Obsolete, disregard this value A/N 30
    ThirdPartyFreightAcct O The 3rd party freight account number to use for this line item A/N 15
    Summary O      
    NbrOfSegments R Obsolete, disregard this value N 9
    AmtQualCode O Obsolete, disregard this value A 2
    MonetaryAmt O Obsolete, disregard this value N 15

    End User Information

    Some items require that End User Information be included in the order.   Always specify a <ResponseVersion> of 1.6 to ensure this is properly enforced. For orders using an earlier ResponseVersion, End User Information is only enforced for Drop Ship items. When End User Information is required, all of the <Eui..> tags must be present in the order but some can be empty. The following tags must contain data:

    Government Orders and End User Information

    Orders containing line items with special government pricing, require the following End User Information:

    Government End User Information

    Data Order Submit Document Element
    Agency or School Name <EuiName>
    Street Address <EuiAddr1>, <EuiAddr2>, <EuiAddr3>
    City <EuiCityName>
    State <EuiStateProvinceCode>
    Zip <EuiPostalCode>


    Promotions are pricing rebates that are automatically applied if the necessary qualifying factors for the ordered items are met. By default, XML will automatically apply the best single promotion or optimum grouping of stacked promotions that result in the lowest item price.

     Free Goods Bonus promotions can not be applied to orders through XML because they alter the quantity of line items in orders.  A Free Goods Bonus promotion is an offer of free products when you order a product (e.g. Buy 10 Logitech Mice And Get A Free Mousepad).

    Ship Flags

    You can use a ship flag to tell Tech Data how to ship your order.  If the products you ordered are not all available, you have the following options:

    Ship flag Stands for Definition
    SC Ship Complete Tech Data does not ship your order until all the products you ordered are in stock.  
    BK Ship available/ backorder rest Tech Data ships the products that are in stock and puts the remaining products on backorder, to be shipped at a later date.  

    Set the ship flag in the SalesRequirementCode in your submit data structure.   

    Warehouse Codes

    To have the item delivered via vendor drop ship (i.e. shipped directly from the manufacturer) rather than from a Tech Data warehouse, use warehouse code '99'. 

    If an item is available both from a Tech Data warehouse ('A*') and via vendor drop ship and the order line does not contain a warehouse code, the order line will be filled or back ordered from a Tech Data warehouse. 

    U.S. Warehouses

    U.S. Warehouses

    Code Location
    A021 Suwanee, GA
    A031 Swedesboro, NJ
    A041 South Bend, IN
    A051 Ft. Worth, TX
    A061 Fontana, CA
    99 Vendor Drop-Ship/Software Licensing

    Canadian Warehouses 

    Canadian Warehouses


    A1 Mississauga, ON
    A2 Richmond, BC
    99 Vendor Drop-Ship/Software Licensing

    Configuration Orders

    In Configuration (integration services) orders:

    Credit Cards

    Tech Data no longer accepts credit card numbers in xml orders. The primary credit card on file will be charged; therefore, ensure you have a credit card on file before sending xml orders.  If you want your XML purchase order to be charged to your primary credit card number, then you must fill in the "CCNbr" field in the XML transaction with "9s," as shown below:
    Our system will automatically detect these characters and will bill the charges to the primary credit card we have stored in our system for your account.

    Note:  Please review the security requirements regarding PCI Compliance.

    Order Confirmation

    Users can request Order Confirmation information by including the <RequestOrderConfirmation> element with a value of 'Y'. Order Confirmation contains most of the data returned in the Order Status (Purpose Code 02).  Requesting Order Confirmation information can delay server response up to a maximum of 30 seconds. If an order confirmation can not be obtained in that time the order will still be placed but the message "ORDER CONFIRMATION IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME" will be returned in the <Message> field in the response. If you get this time out message, send an Order Status request.


    MyOrderTracker is a valuable service provided by Tech Data which can send you and your customers emails when the status of your orders change. It is a convenient way to track the progress of orders throughout the fulfillment cycle from order creation to order shipment (or even order delivery for FedEx orders).  Resellers use  MyOrderTracker™ to reduce operating costs by reducing customer order status inquiries and to improve the level of service they provide to their customers. With MyOrderTracker™, you can:

    The emails will report the following events:
    Event Reseller End User MOT Code
    Order Confirmation OC
    Order Cancellation   OX
    Shipment Notification     OS
    New Estimated Ship Date SC
    Sales Review SR
    Credit Review CR
    Backorder BC
    To have email notifications sent on specific orders, include the <MyOrderTracker> node set on the order submit document. The following example would cause MyOrderTracker to send an email to the reseller when the order is shipped (OS) and email to the end user when the order is confirmed (OC) and when the order is shipped  (OS).


    To set up your account to use MyOrderTracker:

    1. If you do not already have an EC ID to login to the web site, contact Tech Data’s EC Support to get one.
    2. Set up your company’s MyOrderTracker email template to include your company name and logo in your emails.

    Order Response DTD

    <!ELEMENT XML_Order_Response (
         Header ,
         Detail? ,
         Summary ) >
        <!ELEMENT Header (
             UserName? ,
             Password? ,
             TransSetIDCode ,
             TransControlID? ,
             ResponseVersion? ,
             PurposeCode ,
             PONbr ,
             RefID? ,
             DescHdrErr? ,
             OrderConfirmation? ) >
                    <!ELEMENT UserName              (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT Password              (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT TransSetIDCode        (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT TransControlID        (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT ResponseVersion       (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT PurposeCode           (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT PONbr                 (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT RefID                 (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT DescHdrErr            (#PCDATA) >
                    <!ELEMENT OrderConfirmation ( OrderDetail*, Message? ) >
                        <!ELEMENT OrderDetail (
                            RefInfo* ,
                            ErrorInfo? ,
                            OrderStatus? ,
                            Terms? ,
                            ShipmentDispQual? ,
                            PackageDispQual?  ,
                            ShipToName? ,
                            ShipToAddr1? ,
                            ShipToAddr2? ,
                            ShipToAddr3? ,
                            ShipToCity? ,
                            ShipToStateProv?  ,
                            ShipToPostalCode? ,
                            ContactFuncCode? ,
                            ContactName? ,
                            InvoiceTotal? ,
                            PaymentTotal? ,
                            HandlingCharge? ,
                            CODCharge? ,
                            NetFreightCharge? ,
                            TaxCharge? ,
                            PromoAllowance? ,
                            EstimatedShipDate? ,
                            LineInfo2* ,
                            NbrOfOrderLines?   ) >
                                <!ELEMENT RefInfo ( RefIDQual2, RefID2 ) >
                                    <!ELEMENT RefIDQual2    (#PCDATA) >
                                    <!ELEMENT RefID2        (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ErrorInfo (
                                    ErrorIDQual ,
                                    ErrorID ,
                                    ErrorDesc ) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ErrorIDQual (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ErrorID     (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ErrorDesc   (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT OrderStatus       (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT Terms             (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT CurrencyType      (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipmentDispQual  (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipmentDisp      (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT PackageDispQual   (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT PackageDisp       (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT BillToAcctNbr     (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToName        (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr1       (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr2       (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToAddr3       (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToCity        (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToStateProv   (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ShipToPostalCode  (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ContactFuncCode   (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT ContactName       (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT InvoiceTotal      (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT PaymentTotal      (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT HandlingCharge    (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT CODCharge         (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT NetFreightCharge  (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT TaxCharge         (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT PromoAllowance    (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT EstimatedShipDate (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT   LineInfo2 (
                                    AssignedID2 ,
                                    ProductIDQual ,
                                    ProductDesc ,
                                    LineStatus? ,
                                    UnitOfMeasure? , 
                                    UnitPrice ,
                                    ExtendedPrice ,
                                    WhseDesc ,
                                    ShipViaDesc ,
                                    QtyOrdered ,
                                    QtyBackOrdered ,
                                    ItemEstimatedShipDate? ) >
                                        <!ELEMENT AssignedID2           (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ProductIDQual         (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ProductID             (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ProductDesc           (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT LineStatus            (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT UnitOfMeasure         (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT UnitPrice             (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ExtendedPrice         (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT WhseDesc              (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ShipViaDesc           (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT QtyOrdered            (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT QtyBackOrdered        (#PCDATA) >
                                        <!ELEMENT ItemEstimatedShipDate (#PCDATA) >
                                <!ELEMENT NbrOfOrderLines       (#PCDATA) >
                        <!ELEMENT Message               (#PCDATA) >
        <!ELEMENT Summary ( NbrOfSegments ) >
            <!ELEMENT NbrOfSegments                 (#PCDATA) >

    Example of a response to an order when Order Confirmation is requested:

                      <OrderConfirmation>     <!-- Order Confirmation begins here -->
                              <Terms>NET 30 DAYS</Terms>
                              <ShipToAddr1>5350 TECH DATA DR</ShipToAddr1>
                              <ContactName>JOHN DOE</ContactName>
                                  <ProductDesc>VGA MONITOR EXT CABLE</ProductDesc>
                                  <WhseDesc>SUWANEE, GA</WhseDesc>
                                  <ShipViaDesc>UPS GROUND</ShipViaDesc>
                    </OrderConfirmation>    <!-- Order Confirmation ends here -->

    Example of a response to an order without order confirmation:

                <PONbr>XML SCENARIO-69</PONbr>

    Example of a response to an order that contained an error:
            <PONbr>XML ORDER ERROR</PONbr>
            <DescHdrErr>Unable to Translate Item for Material ID: 20009102</DescHdrErr>

    Order Response Data Fields

    Element Name
    Max Len
    TransSetIDCode R Always ‘855’ N 3
    TransControlID O Unique order tracking identifier assigned by the customer. A/N 100
    ResponseVersion O The Response DTD version
    • ResponseVersion 1.3 or higher
    A/N 20
    PurposeCode R Always ‘00’ N 2
    PONbr R Purchase Order number assigned by the customer A/N 35
    RefID O For successful orders, the Tech Data assigned sales order number.  N 10
    OrderConfirmation   Order details. Returned when the order contains RequestOrderConfirmation=Y
    • ResponseVersion of 1.5 or higher
    OrderDetail   One or more occurrences of this element (and it's children) will be returned when the submit document contains RequestOrderConfirmation=Y
    • Each instance of this element will represent a unique Tech Data sales order number
    • ResponseVersion of 1.5 or higher
    RefInfo R      
    RefIDQual2 R The kind of number in the proceeding <RefID> element. 
    Value Meaning
    PO Purchase Order number
    ON Order number
    EU End User Purchase Order number
    IN Invoice number
    A/N 2
    RefID2 R One of:
  • Purchase Order number
  • Order number
  • End User Purchase Order number
  • Invoice number
  • A/N ON-10
    OrderStatus O Status of the whole order
    Status Meaning
    OPEN The order has been entered into Tech Data's system.  The order has not yet been released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    BLOCKED The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    RELEASED The order has been released to a logistics center and has begun the fulfillment process
    SHIPPED The order has been shipped and a bill generated
    CANCELED The order has been canceled
    A/N 15
    Terms O Indicates the payment conditions under which the order was accepted A/N 30
    CurrencyType O Only ‘USD’ (U.S. Dollars) is used at this time A 3
    ShipmentDispQual O Value must be ‘SC’ (Ship Complete) A 2
    PackageDispQual O Value must be ‘BS’ (Blind Ship)    
    ShipToName O The Ship-To name of the individual or organization receiving the order A/N 25
    ShipToAddr1 O The first Ship-To street address line A/N 35
    ShipToAddr2 O The second Ship-To street address line A/N 35
    ShipToAddr3 O The third Ship-To street address line A/N 35
    ShipToCity O Ship-To City A/N 35
    ShipToStateProv O Ship-To U.S. state or Canadian province A/N 2
    ShipToPostalCode O Ship-To U.S. zip code or Canadian postal code A/N 9
    ContactName O Contact person’s name assigned to order A/N 25
    InvoiceTotal O Total dollar amount of invoice.  A single order can generate multiple invoices when multiple warehouses are used to fill an order and/or when a previously backordered line is shipped. N 15
    EstimatedShipDate O This element will contain the date that a back ordered item is estimated to be shipped to the customer. The tag will be empty if Tech Data does not have an open PO with the Vendor. N 8
    AssignedID2 R Unique tracking identifier assigned by the customer in the <OrigCustPOLineNbr> tag in the Order submit. If the item in the Order submit does not include an <OrigCustPOLineNbr> tag, then the position of the <LineInfo> item in the order is returned. A/N 6
    ProductIDQual O Value must be ‘VP’ A 2
    ProductID O Tech Data item number A/N 18
    ProductDesc O Description of item A/N 50
    LineStatus O Status of the individual line item
    Status Meaning
    OPEN The order has been entered into Tech Data's system.  The order has not yet been released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    BLOCKED The order has been entered into Tech Data's system, but requires attention before it can be released to a distribution center for fulfillment
    RELEASED The order has been released to a logistics center and has begun the fulfillment process
    SHIPPED The order has been shipped and a bill generated
    CANCELED The order has been canceled
    A/N 20
    UnitPrice O Customer’s price for one unit of item ordered N 15
    ExtendedPrice O Total price of order line (UnitPrice x QtyOrdered) N 15
    WhseDesc O Tech Data Warehouse shipping this order line A/N 30
    ShipViaDesc O Carrier name and mode, i.e. ‘UPS GROUND’ or FEDEX NEXT DAY’ A/N 25
    QtyOrdered O The number of units ordered N 4
    QtyBackOrdered O The number of units that were not available for shipment at the time the order was filled.  This quantity is backordered to Tech Data’s vendor. N 4
    ItemEstimatedShipDate O When a back ordered item is estimated to be shipped to the customer. The tag will be empty if Tech Data does not have an open PO with the Vendor. N 6
    NbrOfOrderLines O Total number of detail lines items for the Sales Order or Invoice number N 3
    Message O If due to high processing demands, order confirmation information could not be returned, this element will contain text informing such A/N 200
    DescHdrErr O If a sales order cannot be created in Tech Data’s system due to an error with the incoming XML order, this element will contain a description of the error encountered. A/N 250
    NbrOfSegments R Obsolete , no value is required N 9
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